Windows 7, The newest OS (operating system) from the guys at Microsoft is a much better improvement from Vista, Microsoft previous operating system. It has proven it self to be much more capable then Vista. Here are some features, tips and tweaks of windows 7 that you may find helpful
Getting more custom themes
There are two ways to go about adding more themes to windows 7, the first method is by UxStyle core, which does not require you to modify your system files, this is good for those who fear playing with system files. The second method is using the "Universal Theme Patcher," which does modify your system files. If you are afraid to go this route then worry not, i will only be covering the first method.
Before we get started, you need to know if you are running x32/64 or x86 bit System. If you already know what system you are running then please feel free to skip this part.
1 - Open the Start Menu.
2 - Click on computer
3 Below the search bar, you will see System properties, click it.
4 This will take you to your system information, there you will find your system type. x64/32 or x86. remember this, it is necessary for the next few steps of this tutorial.
5 - Type this in your search bar:
6 click "play with the bits, blow up your PC in the process" and you will be prompted to download a zip file, save the file to your computer and remember where you saved it.
7 - Next, open the zip file and extract the exe. files to a folder or desktop, the choice is yours.
8 - You will then see two .Executable files, UxStyle_core x86 and UxStyle_core x32/64. As long as you remember what system you are running, you have nothing to worry about. Before we install this app we need to temporarily disable the U.A.C.
9 - Click control panel, in the search bar, type: "u.a.c" this will show "the Action Center-change user Account control settings" click it and move on to the next screen.
10 - On the next screen, drag your slider all the way down for it to be disabled.
11- Next, install what your system is running, mine is 32bits so i will install the UxStyle_core 32 bits by right clicking and selecting install. if you are using the 64 bits, i expect you to install the 64bits
12 - Follow the on screen instructions, when finished Reboot your Pc. Go back to your u.a.c and restore it to what it was.
13 When rebooted, go online and find some Windows 7 themes, simply Google it or visit
How to Minimize every window with the shake feature.
Whenever there are more then one windows open on your desktop, the shake feature is the perfect tool to minimize everything that is open, all you need to do is grab the title bar and well, shake it, use enough movement and just like that all other windows will automatically minimize.
How to Modify Window 7 Libraries Folders
Next, I am going to show you how to add or remove folders from the library. In the start-menu search bar, copy and paste this "regedit" click on regedit(registry editor) once you see it, and the registry editor will appear.
Click Edit in the navigation panel, click find in the search bar that appears, paste this in "{031E4825-7B94-4dc3-B131-E946B44C8DD5}" and click find. The system should find that code and when it does, click and open it, next, click on the shell folder within. if this method doesn't help you find it, use the long method below.
Find CLSID and click it scroll down once more
find {031E4825-7B94-4dc3-B131-E946B44C8DD5}
within there is a folder call the "shell folder" right click it and select permissions.
after the new screen appears, select "Administrator" which is below "system."
Select the allow box for full control, click OK.
This takes you back to the previous panel, find the attributes on the right and right click it.
Select Modify
A new screen will appear with this value data "b090010d." If you plan to add a folder then leave it as it is, if you plan to remove a library then replace the value data with "b090010d" and click OK.
When you return you can remove or add libraries as you wish by simply right clicking library on the right hand side of the navigation pane.
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