Latest IT News

Windows 7 is one of the latest and most favorite operating  system all over the world . In 22th October, Microsoft open her new operating system Windows 7 .  In First time look there has no more deference than Windows Vista. But when you will start to operate it than open its real  modification. Developed search option, quick response, Good reliability, strong security system etc are new add of windows 7 . This operating has ability to use unlimited RAM where to get this opportunity in  VISTA need to use 64 bit machine . 
To learn more about windows 7 go : and click on  windows -7 TV Commercial here . There has option to view about windows-7 by 3D animation video.

Cyber crime research council ;
Cyber crime research center 3rd international conference occurred last 20-22 October . Topics was personal Data protection and National security . Council co-association  was Labaniz association of cyber crime Proven-son AIL CC . In this council talked about cyber society privacy system , cyber crime and its low ,intellectual property rights , consumer protection , biotechnology , internet security , nano-technology , international business low , Domain name , E-business , E-banking , E-signature ,etc. To Know  more about this visit
ASUS Hybrid technologies Motherboard support core i5 and i7;
P7P55D model mother board is new model motherboard of ASUS brand . The Intel P55 Express chip sets  motherboard is support  new alg 1156 so-cats Intel core i5 and core i7 "infield" processors.
This motherboard has hybrid technologies  hybrid processor , hybrid Paige and hybrid OAS  its give user extra high performance , acting cooling  facility and quick  online access facility . This motherboard support maximum 16GB dual channel DDR3 RAM ,ATI curd-GPIU crossfire ax technology and windows 7 operating system .It has 6 SATA port , Gigabyte LAN ,  8-channel audio , 2 fair-ware port , 14 USB port etc . Otherwise, in this motherboard use Asus express gate , Epu-6 Engine etc . Its price is : 14,000TK.

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