Make Windows 7 Welcome You With A Custom Voice Message

If you would like to make your PC welcome you with a simple voice message, we have a simple way to do that. Of course, you can go for the harder way of changing the default start up sound. But users who would like to make it simple can follow the steps given below.
1. First copy the following code in a notepad and then save the file with any name but the the file should be in .vbs extension. Of course, you can the customize the message with your own words. In this example, you can replace the words “Hello Into Windows! Welcome back to your computer. Have a nice day” with a custom message.
Dim speaks, speech
speaks="Welcome Naveen Garg! Welcome back to
your computer. Have a nice day"
Set speech=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
speech.Speak speaks

2. Now save the file as .vbs extension in the Start up folder of the Windows 7 drive.
C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
If you can’t see the AppData folder under your User Name folder, you can make it visible by changing the Folder Options settings. Goto Control Panel, hit Appearance and Personalizaiton. Now you will see Folder Options, under Folder Options you will see Show hidden files and folders, hit it and press Ok.
3. You are done! Simply reboot your folder to hear the cool welcome message just after the logon sound.


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