What is a Microsoft Window?

In this part of the series we look at the meaning of a Microsoft Windows from a technical point of view.
Getting to know Windows - Part 2
Volume - Windows User Interface Introduction
This is part 2 of my series, Getting to know Windows. I assume that you have read all the required previous parts before this one. In this part of the series we look at the meaning of a Microsoft Windows from a technical point of view.
Note: If you cannot see the code or if you think anything is missing (broken link, image absent), just contact me at forchatrans@yahoo.com. That is, contact me for the slightest problem you have about what you are reading.
Desktop Window
Assume that your computer is off. When you put it on, a window will be created that fills almost the entire screen. In theory, this window cannot be seen. The desktop window uses what is known as a bitmap to paint its background. When it is painted, you see a rectangular image covering almost the entire screen. The desktop window is the base for all other windows that applications display. An example of an application is Microsoft Word (word processor). You must have written short applications (programs) as you covered, my prerequisite tutorials mentioned in the previous part of the series.
Graphical User Interface
In the past (80's and early 90's) programs were written for the console, no windows at all. You just had text. If you were lucky you would have colored text. We started seeing windows in the form of word processors. There was a famous word processor called, Word Perfect. I cannot tell if it is still being produced. Those days are now gone for good. I do not think any programmer will write an application today, 2011, for the ordinary user without using windows.
No user today wants an application that he will access without windows. Programmers like you and me though, still use the console, or better, the command prompt, especially when we are dealing with C++. However, the final program (application), if it is meant for the ordinary user, has to present itself in windows. That is why you have this volume. All those windows, which the user uses to access the program, form the Graphical User Interface.
Application Window
Any application today, written for the Microsoft Windows API, has at least one main window, called the Main Window. Many applications have more than one window, which includes the main window. When you start an application, the main window is displayed first. You see its button representation at the task bar. No button that represents the other windows of the application will appear in the taskbar.
A button is either pushed or not pushed. When the main window is active, its representation button in the taskbar is in the pushed state.
Windows Elements
To continue, you will open the following link in a new tab window; you will be toggling between that window tab and this one as you read:
The diagram in the opened tab window shows a typical main window. At the very top, you have the Title Bar. The title bar has the icon of the application, the title of the window, the Minimize, Maximize (Restore) and close buttons. Below that you have the Menu Bar (or the Window Menu). The user can drop down menus from the menu bar by clicking a menu bar item. Identify the Vertical Scroll Bar, the Horizontal Scroll Bar, Status Bar and the Sizing Border in the figure.
The Client Area
The output of the main window is displayed in the Client Area. Output here consists mainly of text and graphics (images). Identify the client area in the figure of the opened tab window if you have not already done so.
It will not surprise me, if at this point you argue that you have seen word processors, web pages, or some other appplication whose client areas receive input from the user. Read on! Now the devices to input data to an application (computer) today, are the keyboard and the mouse. I hope from this you get the idea that nothing is inputted at the client area. Now each window must have a procedure code (function code), which you have to write. This window procedure receives what you type on your keyboard or do with your mouse, processes it and then displays the processed result, which is now output, at the client area. I hope you are now convinced that the client area does not receive input (from a technical point of view). The procedure is very important. It is called the Window Procedure.
The title bar, menu bar, window menu, minimize and maximize buttons, sizing border, and scroll bars are not in the window's client area. They are referred to collectively as the window's Nonclient Area. Everything else is in the window's client area.
Now, you may ask: what about the tools bar you have been seeing in applications? The tool bar and other bars you have been seeing in word processors, web pages and other applications, occupy part of the client area.
Some years back I was teaching computer literacy in a computer institute. I approached the teaching of windows differently from what I am doing now. Then, I was teaching people who do not know programming and who did not have technical knowledge in computers. I just described everything above the visible client area as horizontal bars. I said that some bars like the tool bar are optional. You, learning Windows API now, is someone who knows the basics of a high-level computer language, and should know the meaning and basic functions of computer hardware components such as memory, hard disk, and microprocessor. As we go along, I will be emphasizing on issues that I would not emphasis to the layman. All that was just a remark.
The operating system manages most aspects of the nonclient area; the application manages most aspects of the client area.
Name of Application
The name of your application is typically the title in the title bar just after the icon that identifies the application. The icon is like the logo of the application. Note: the title of a window can also be the purpose of the window; remember your application can have more than one window.
The Windows API Volumes
These volumes I am producing are the first of their kind. You will find the same information (and even more) in the Microsoft web site. However, the information there has been written for experienced programmers like us; not for people who are learning programming (novice). What you will see in that web site are not tutorials. What you have in these volumes, are tutorials, which you have free.
Those of us who write (publish) for the Internet, write for money. We get our earnings through the advertisements you see on our web pages like this one. So please, do click the advertisements on my pages to know what my partners are advertising. In that way they pay me on your behalf, for advertising their products. If you do not click the advertisements of the Internet articles, they will not pay us. I know you are getting the stuff free, but do click the advertisements to enable us continue to write. Thanks.
We are at the end of this part of the series. Remember, an application can have more than one window. We have only talk about the main window. An application has at least one window, which is the main window.
I find the project of writing these volumes exciting and I hope you find it exciting too. At the end of the project, I will go to an entertainment spot and celebrate the completion. I hope you do the same in your area when you finished reading the volumes. The volumes are on the essential features of Windows API.
We can stop here for now. Rendezvous in the next part of the series.
To arrive at any of the parts of this series, just type the corresponding title below in the Search Box of this page and click Search (use menu if available):
Getting to know Windows
What is a Microsoft Window?
Basics of Window Classes
Window Procedure Basics
Message Basics for Window Class Procedure
Basics of Message Handling in Windows
Creating Window Basics
Basic Coding of Window Class Procedure
Your first Window

Lots Of Windows Xp Tips, Take A Look !

Lock XP Workstation (#1)
You can lock your XP workstation with two clicks of the mouse. Create a new shortcut on your desktop using a right mouse click, and enter 'rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation' in the location field. Give the shortcut a name you like. That's it -- just double click on it and your computer will be locked. And if that's not easy enough, Windows key + L will do the same.
Remove Windows XP system software (#2)
XP hides some system software you might want to remove, such as Windows Messenger, but you can tickle it and make it disgorge everything. Using Notepad or Edit, edit the text file /windows/inf/sysoc.inf, search for the word 'hide' and remove it. You can then go to the Add or Remove Programs in the Control Panel, select Add/Remove Windows Components and there will be your prey, exposed and vulnerable.
New commands (#3)
For those skilled in the art of DOS batch files, XP has a number of interesting new commands. These include 'eventcreate' and 'eventtriggers' for creating and watching system events, 'typeperf' for monitoring performance of various subsystems, and 'schtasks' for handling scheduled tasks. As usual, typing the command name followed by /? will give a list of options -- they're all far too baroque to go into here.
Windows XP supports IPv6 (#4)
XP has IP version 6 support -- the next generation of IP. Unfortunately this is more than your ISP has, so you can only experiment with this on your LAN. Type 'ipv6 install' into Run... (it's OK, it won't ruin your existing network setup) and then 'ipv6 /?' at the command line to find out more. If you don't know what IPv6 is, don't worry and don't bother.
Kill tasks from the command line (#5)
You can at last get rid of tasks on the computer from the command line by using 'taskkill /pid' and the task number, or just 'tskill' and the process number. Find that out by typing 'tasklist', which will also tell you a lot about what's going on in your system.
Enable Clear Type by default (#6)
XP has ClearType -- Microsoft's anti-aliasing font display technology-- but doesn't have it enabled by default. It's well worth trying, especially if you were there for DOS and all those years of staring at a screen have given you the eyes of an astigmatic bat. To enable ClearType, right click on the desktop, select Properties, Appearance, Effects, select ClearType from the second drop-down menu and enable the selection. Expect best results on laptop displays. If you want to use ClearType on the Welcome login screen as well, set the registry entry
HKEY_USERS/.DEFAULT/ControlPanel/Desktop/FontSmoothingType to 2.
Run program as different user (#7)
You can run a program as a different user without logging out and back in again. Right click the icon, select Run As... and enter the user name and password you want to use. This only applies for that run. The trick is particularly useful if you need to have administrative permissions to install a program, which many require. Note that you can have some fun by running programs multiple times on the same system as different users, but this can have unforeseen effects.
Speed up the Start Menu (#8)
The Start Menu can be leisurely when it decides to appear, but you can speed things along by changing the registry entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop/MenuShowDelay from the default 400 to something a little snappier. Like 0.
Rename multiple files at once (#9)
You can rename loads of files at once in Windows Explorer. Highlight a set of files in a window, then right click on one and rename it. All the other files will be renamed to that name, with individual numbers in brackets to distinguish them. Also, in a folder you can arrange icons in alphabetized groups by View, Arrange Icon By... Show In-Groups.
Show cover art in Media Player (#10)
Windows Media Player will display the cover art for albums as it plays the tracks -- if it found the picture on the Internet when you copied the tracks from the CD. If it didn't, or if you have lots of pre-WMP music files, you can put your own copy of the cover art in the same directory as the tracks. Just call it folder.jpg and Windows Media Player will pick it up and display it.
Display Hibernate Option on the Shut Down dialog (#11)
For some reason, Hibernate isn't available from the default Shut Down dialog. But you can enable it simply enough, by holding down the SHIFT key while the dialog is visible. Now you see it, now you don't!
Enable ClearType on the Welcome Screen! (#12)
As laptop users and other LCD owners are quickly realizing, Microsoft's ClearType technology in Windows XP really makes a big difference for readability. But the this feature is enabled on a per-user basis in Windows XP, so you can't see the effect on the Welcome screen; it only appears after you logon.
But you can fix that. Fire up the Registry Editor and look for the following keys:
(default user) HKEY_USERS \ .Default \ Control Panel \ Desktop \
FontSmoothing (String Value)
HKEY_USERS \ .Default \ Control Panel \ Desktop \
FontSmoothingType (Hexadecimal DWORD Value)
Make sure both of these values are set to 2 and you'll have ClearType enabled on the Welcome screen and on each new user by default.
Change User Picture (#13)
Click on the Icon at the top of the start menu. Select desired picture from resulting screen Windows 2000 style logon. To revert back to the Win2k style logon so you can log on as the administrator and other options, press ctrl+alt+delete twice at the logon screen. Change the location of the My Music or My Pictures folders:
In Windows 2000, Microsoft added the ability to right-click the My Documents folder and choose a new location for that folder in the shell. With Windows XP, Microsoft has elevated the My Music and My Pictures folders to the same "special shell folder" status of My Documents, but they never added a similar (and simple) method for changing those folder's locations. However, it is actually pretty easy to change the location of these folders, using the following method.
Open a My Computer window and navigate to the location where you'd like My Music (or My Pictures) to reside. Then, open the My Documents folder in a different window. Drag the My Music (or My Pictures) folder to the other window, and Windows XP will update all of the references to that folder to the new location, including the Start menu.
Protect Your Files From Unauthorized Users (#14)
Other users with permission to delete a file (users with Modify or Full Control permission) can't use your encrypted files-but they can make them difficult for you to use. Any such user can rename your files, which can make them difficult to find, and can also delete your files. (Even if the user merely deletes them to the Recycle Bin and doesn't remove them altogether, the deleted files are unavailable to you because you don't have access to any other user's Recycle Bin.) Therefore, if you're concerned about protecting your files from other authorized users as well as from a thief who steals your computer, you should modify the NTFS permissions to prevent any type of modification by other users.
Shutdown Your System in a Hurry (#15)
If you need to shut down in a hurry-or if a frozen application prevents you from shutting down in the normal ways-you can use the following procedure. Be aware, however, that you won't get an opportunity to save open documents. To perform an emergency shutdown, press Ctrl+Alt+Del to display Task Manager. Open the Shut down menu and hold down the Ctrl key as you click the Turn Off command. Poof! If your computer is part of a domain, the procedure is similar. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del and then hold down Ctrl when you click Shut Down. In this situation, you'll get a warning message pointing out-quite correctly-that this should be used only as a last resort.
Provide Personal Support (#16)
It never fails: when friends, co-workers, or family members discover that you're a Windows expert, you get pressed into service as an unpaid support technician. If the party asking for help is running any edition of Windows XP and has an active Internet connection, your job is much easier. Have the other person send you a Remote Assistance request; when you accept the request, you connect directly to their computer and can edit Registry settings, fix file associations, set System options, and perform just about any other troubleshooting or repair task, just as if you were sitting at the other person's desk.
Quickly Fix Connectivity Problems (#17)
Are you having trouble connecting to other computers on your local area network? If your network uses a hardware firewall that assigns IP addresses to each machine and you're certain you've configured all other components correctly, check to see whether the Internet Connection Firewall is enabled. That component can effectively block communication between PCs on the network.
Hack IE Title Bar (#18)
This can be an impressive bit of personalization. Use your name or moniker to brand Internet Explorer. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ and left-click on Main to change the string "Window Title" to whatever you wish.
Unload DLLs (#19)
To prevent Windows from caching DLLs after the program using them has closed, follow this procedure: Navigate to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ then left-click on Explorer. Right-click (as above) and create the DWORD
AlwaysUnloadDLL with a value of 1. This requires a reboot to take effect. This will allow memory to be used more efficiently.
Registry Hacks (#20)
Editing the Windows Registry, while much more common now than in years past, is still not to be entered into lightly. You can break Windows, cause boot failure. I know you're gonna do it anyway; why else would you be reading this. Just be careful, OK?
These are few because, for the most part WinXP can be customized through the interlace or with third-party freeware (as above).
All of the tips below require running regedit. To do so, hit 'Start/Run' then type 'regedit' and follow the instructions.
Naturally, I take no responsibility for any damage or loss of data incurred in the remote possibility that something goes terribly wrong.
The Ultimate Appearance Tweak (#21)
Microsoft said: "You can connect up to 10 monitors to your Windows XP-based computer and display numerous programs or windows at one time. You can use your mouse to move items from one monitor to another. You can open a different file on each monitor. Or several. Or you can stretch one item across several monitors; so for example, you can see more columns in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, or the entire layout of a Web page, without scrolling." Consider it. Monitors and PCI video cards are pretty cheap now. Windows recognizes the addition & allows easy adjustments on the 'Display Properties/Settings' menu.
Save Streaming Media (#22)
It's cool to listen to MP3s (or watch movies) over the Internet. Often, saving this media, however, seems impossible. Hey, if it plays on your computer, it's on your hard drive. Once the file is fully loaded and with folder view set to show hidden and systems folders, searches for the media (.mp3 or .mpg). There it is!
Securing the Paging File (#23)
If you're truly concerned about the possibility of your computer falling into the wrong hands, you should be sure that you don't leave any tracks in the paging file. By default, when you shut down your system, the paging file remains intact. People who've access to your computer could conceivably look through the unencrypted paging file to find information they shouldn't have.
Assign a Keyboard Shortcut (#24)
Click in the Shortcut Key field and press a keyboard combination that you want to use for launching or switching to this program. The shortcut key you assign must consist of one character key (a letter, number, or symbol) plus at least two of the following three keys: Ctrl, Alt, and Shift. (If you press a character key only, Windows automatically adds Ctrl+Alt.)
Shortcut keys work only when assigned to a program shortcut on the Start menu, the Programs menu, or the Desktop. The shortcuts you define will not work if it conflicts with a combination used in the program whose window has the focus.
Please remember, we cannot accept responsibility with what you decide to do with these tips. These tips act as a guide to tweaking and changing Windows XP from the default settings. If you are unsure about how to make these changes then don't meddle!

4 Tips On How To Fix Laptop Or Notebook Battery Not Charging Problem All By Yourself

In this article you will learn how to fix laptop or notebook battery charging problems. Below are a lists on the most common laptop battery failures together with it's possible causes and solutions.
* Trouble: Laptop battery can sometimes receive charges only when the power plug is wiggle
Possible Causes and Solutions:
The battery charging failure above indicates that either the AC adapter or the laptop itself has a problem. In order to isolate the faulty one, first you need to test the AC adapter with a voltmeter. If the AC adapter has a normal output voltage, then probably the power jack of the motherboard is defective. In this case, you need to replace or just resolder the power jack of the laptop motherboard.
* Trouble: After the laptop battery arrives at vital period, it discharges very quickly
Possible Causes and Solutions:
The battery charging failure above indicates bad battery. Due to old age, laptop battery sometimes act abnormally, like for example, the symptoms above. Laptop battery manufacturers believe that a typical life span should be somewhere between 2 to 3 years. If your battery already reaches this stage, the only solution is to replaced that battery.
* Trouble: The laptop cannot detect the battery anymore!s
Possible Causes and Solutions:
If you are 100 percent sure that you properly installed and positioned your laptop battery into the battery compartment of the laptop but the laptop still cannot detect your battery when you log in to Windows, the problem lies only on the two components. There are two main factor for this trouble, either the battery itself or the mainboard of the laptop is defective. To solve this, first you need to replace the battery with a working or a new one. If the error persist after you replace the old battery, then you probably have a bad motherboard. Either the battery terminal which connects the battery and mainboard is defective or the circuit driver of the laptop motherboard which controls the battery operation of the laptop. The solution is to replace the motherboard or do a component level repair on the laptop motherboard.
* Trouble: Laptop detects the battery but turns off when the power AC adapter is removed from the laptop or unplugged from the main power source.
Possible Causes and Solutions:
When you log in to Windows, you can see that your battery is detected by your laptop because it shows in the battery icon located in the system tray the remaining battery charge and the computer shows that it is charging. But when you unplug the AC adapter, the laptop turns off. The probable causes for these trouble are maybe the battery is not seated properly or the battery contacts got dirty because of some of dirt or something. If these might be the fault, try to use a toothbrush and scrub the battery terminal that connects the battery to the mainboard of the laptop and reconnect the battery and make sure that it is properly seated. If these methods doesn't help, most likely the battery is already busted due to old age, try to replace the battery with a working or new one. If replacing the battery still doesn't solve the issue, obviously the trouble has to do with the motherboard. Perhaps the battery charging circuit of the motherboard is damaged or not working. In this case, you'll have to do a component level repair on the motherboard or replace the whole motherboard.

How to make your PC or laptop run faster

I often feel that my computer works faster and fasters with its best possible speed, and since last few days I am getting what I thought of, after I took the below mentioned steps.
By following a few simple guidelines, you can maintain your computer, help increase your PC speed, and help keep it running smoothly. This article discusses how to use the tools available in Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP Service Pack 3 to help make your computer faster, maintain your computer efficiently, and help safeguard your privacy when you're online.
  • Remove spyware, and help protect your computer from viruses

    Spyware collects personal information without letting you know and without asking for permission. From the websites you visit to user names and passwords, spyware can put you and your confidential information at risk. In addition to privacy concerns, spyware can hamper your computer's performance. To combat spyware, you might want to consider using the PC safety scan from Windows Live OneCare. This scan is a free service that helps check for and remove viruses.

    Download Microsoft Security Essentials for free to help guard your system in the future from viruses, spyware, adware, and other malicious software (also known as malware). Microsoft Security Essentials acts as a spyware removal tool and includes automatic updates to help keep your system protected from emerging threats.

    The Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool is another utility that checks computers running Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows Server 2003 for infections by specific, prevalent malicious software, including Blaster, Sasser, and Mydoom, and helps remove any infection found.
  • Free up disk space

    The Disk Cleanup tool helps you to free up space on your hard disk to improve the performance of your computer. The tool identifies files that you can safely delete and then enables you to choose whether you want to delete some or all of the identified files.

    Use Disk Cleanup to:

        * Remove temporary Internet files.
        * Delete downloaded program files, such as Microsoft ActiveX controls and Java applets.
        * Empty the Recycle Bin.
        * Remove Windows temporary files, such as error reports.
        * Delete optional Windows components that you don't use.
        * Delete installed programs that you no longer use.
        * Remove unused restore points and shadow copies from System Restore.

    Tip: Typically, temporary Internet files take the most amount of space because the browser caches each page you visit for faster access later.

    To use Disk Cleanup:
    Windows 7 users

       1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, click System Tools, and then click Disk Cleanup. If several drives are available, you might be prompted to specify which drive you want to clean.
       2. When Disk Cleanup has calculated how much space you can free up, in the Disk Cleanup for dialog box, scroll through the content of the Files to delete list.

       3. Disk Cleanup dialog box Clear the check boxes for files that you don't want to delete, and then click OK.*

                For more options, such as cleaning up System Restore and Shadow copy files, under Description, click Clean up system files, and then click the More Options tab.

       4. When prompted to confirm that you want to delete the specified files, click Yes.

    After a few minutes, the process completes and the Disk Cleanup dialog box closes, leaving your computer cleaner, performing better, and potentially increasing your PC speed.
    Windows Vista users

       1. In the Start menu, click All Programs, click Accessories, click System Tools, and then click Disk Cleanup.
       2. In the Disk Cleanup Options dialog box, choose whether you want to clean up your own files only or all of the files on the computer.
       3.f the Disk Cleanup: Drive Selection dialog box appears, select the hard disk drive that you want to clean up, and then click OK.
       4.Click the Disk Cleanup tab, and then select the check boxes for the files you want to delete.
       5.When you finish selecting the files you want to delete, click OK, and then, to confirm the operation, click Delete files. Disk Cleanup then removes all unnecessary files from your computer. This may take a few minutes.

    The More Options tab is available when you choose to clean files from all users on the computer.
    Windows XP users

  • Speed up access to data

    Disk fragmentation slows the overall performance of your system. When files are fragmented, the computer must search the hard disk as a file is opened (to piece it back together). The response time can be significantly longer.

    Disk Defragmenter (sometimes shortened to Defrag by users) is a Windows utility that consolidates fragmented files and folders on your computer's hard disk so that each occupies a single space on the disk. With your files stored neatly end to end, without fragmentation, reading and writing to the disk speeds up.

    When to run Disk Defragmenter
    In addition to running Disk Defragmenter at regular intervals (weekly is optimal), there are other times you should run it, too, such as when:

        * You add a large number of files.
        *  Your free disk space totals 15 percent or less.
        * You install new programs or a new version of the Windows operating system.

    To use Disk Defragmenter:
    Windows 7 users

       1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, click System Tools, and then click Disk Defragmenter.

          Disk Defragmenter dialog box, with the Configure schedule button selected
       2.  In the Disk Defragmenter dialog box, click the drives that you want to defragment, and then click the Analyze disk button. After the disk is analyzed, a dialog box appears, letting you know whether you should defragment the analyzed drives.

          Tip: You should analyze a volume before defragmenting it to get an estimate of how long the defragmentation process will take.
       3. To defragment the selected drive or drives, click the Defragment disk button. In the Current status area, under the Progress column, you can monitor the process as it happens. After the defragmentation is complete, Disk Defragmenter displays the results.
       4. To display detailed information about the defragmented disk or partition, click View Report.
       5.  To close the View Report dialog box, click Close.
       6. You can also schedule the Disk Defragmenter to run automatically. (Your computer might even be set up this way by default.) Under Schedule, it reads Scheduled defragmentation is turned on and then displays the time of day and frequency of defragmentation. If you want to turn off automatic defragmentation or to change the time or frequency, click Configure schedule (or Turn on Schedule, if it is not currently configured to run automatically). Change the settings, and then click OK.
       7.  To close the Disk Defragmenter utility, on the title bar of the window, click the Close button.

    Windows Vista users

       1.   Open Disk Defragmenter: Click the Start button, click All Programs, click Accessories, click System Tools, and then click Disk Defragmenter. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
       2. In the Disk Defragmenter dialog box, click the drives that you want to defragment and then click the Analyze disk button. After the disk is analyzed, a dialog box appears letting you know whether you should defragment the analyzed drives.

          Tip: You should analyze a volume before defragmenting it to get an estimate of how long the defragmentation process will take.
       3.  To defragment the selected drive or drives, click the Defragment disk button. In the Current status area, under the Progress column, you can monitor the process as it happens. After the defragmentation is complete, Disk Defragmenter displays the results.
       4. To display detailed information about the defragmented disk or partition, click View Report.
       5. To close the View Report dialog box, click Close.
       6. You can also schedule the Disk Defragmenter to run automatically. (Your computer might be set up this way by default.) Click Modify schedule....
       7. In the Disk Defragmenter: Modify Schedule dialog box, choose how often, which day, and at what time of day you want defragmentation to occur, and then click OK.
       8. Click OK again.

    Windows XP users

       1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click Disk Defragmenter. Disk Defragmenter dialog box, showing possible disks to defragment
       2. In the Disk Defragmenter dialog box, click the drives that you want to defragment and then click the Analyze button. After the disk is analyzed, a dialog box appears, letting you know whether you should defragment the analyzed drives.

          Tip: You should analyze a volume before defragmenting it to get an estimate of how long the defragmentation process will take.
       3.  To defragment the selected drive or drives, click the Defragment button. Note: In Windows Vista, there is no graphical user interface to demonstrate the progress—but your hard drive is still being defragmented.

          After the defragmentation is complete, Disk Defragmenter displays the results.
       4. To display detailed information about the defragmented disk or partition, click View Report.
       5. To close the View Report dialog box, click Close.
       6. To close the Disk Defragmenter utility, on the title bar of the window, click the Close button.

    Running Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter on a regular basis is a proven way to help keep your computer running quickly and efficiently. If you'd like to learn how to schedule these tools and others to run automatically, please read Speed up your PC: Automate your computer maintenance schedule.
  • Detect and repair disk errors

    In addition to running Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter to optimize the performance of your computer, you can check the integrity of the files stored on your hard disk by running the Error Checking utility.

    As you use your hard drive, it can develop bad sectors. Bad sectors slow down hard disk performance and sometimes make data writing (such as file saving) difficult or even impossible. The Error Checking utility scans the hard drive for bad sectors and scans for file system errors to see whether certain files or folders are misplaced.

    If you use your computer daily, you should run this utility once a week to help prevent data loss.
    Run the Error Checking utility:
  • Learn about ReadyBoost

    If you're using Windows 7 or Windows Vista, you can use ReadyBoost to speed up your system. A new concept in adding memory to a system, it allows you to use non-volatile flash memory—like a USB flash drive or a memory card—to improve performance without having to add additional memory.

        * Learn more about Ready Boost in Windows 7.
        * Learn more about Ready Boost in Windows Vista.
  • Upgrade to Windows 7

    if you try all the previous remedies and your computer still isn't as fast as you would like it to be, you may want to consider updating to Windows 7.

        * Find out if your computer can run Windows 7 using the Upgrade Advisor.
        * Compare Window 7 editions.
        * Read a third-party review of Windows 7 by David Pogue of The New York Times.

    If the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor determines that your computer can't run Windows 7 and you still have the need for speed, it might be time for a new computer. There are some great deals on new computers right now:

        * Shop for new desktop computers.
        * Shop for new laptop computers.
        * Shop for notebooks.

How to Protect Your Child When Using the Internet

Are you the parent of a child or a teen who uses the internet?  If so, you likely already know that the internet can be a dangerous place for a child, especially if your child uses online chat rooms or social networking websites.  For that reason, there are a number of steps that you, as a parent, will want to take to protect your child when they use the internet.
The first step that you should take, to help keep your child safe online, is to know as much as you can about computers and the internet.  Did you know that there are ways for you to see which websites have been visited on a computer?  Did you know that some computers already have parental controls installed on them that just need to be set?  You can only benefit from these tools that can help to protect your child if you know that they do exist.
Speaking of parental controls, be sure to know what your computer has.  If you have an older model computer, you may benefit from purchasing additional software programs.  These programs can easily be found for sale online or in most media or office supply stores.  As for the programs that may already be on your computer, open up a new Internet Explorer window.  From the main headings at the top of the page, click on “Tools,” and then “Internet Options.”  A new window will appear; highlight the “Content,” tab and right away you will see an option that lets you block certain content from showing on a computer.
In keeping with parental controls, don’t give into a child who complains about them being used.  If you create a password to override these controls, which you may need if your whole family shares a computer, that password can also be used for your teenager.  Don’t give them the password though.  Use it to unblock certain sites that they ask and you first approve.
Another easy way that you can protect your child when they use the internet is to have the computer in a frequently traveled room.  You can also limit the use of certain websites, like social networking websites or internet chat rooms.  Make them only available when you are home or in the same room.  If your child has their own computer, like a laptop that they can take anywhere with them, be sure to check the internet history of their computer randomly every week or so.
Speaking of which, do not let your child have their own login information.  When you first turn on a computer, you often see a button that says someone’s name.  Many families use one standard account.  Your child can easily create their own.  If they do, do not let them have their own password.  This can make it difficult or impossible for you to examine their online activities.  Having you checkup on their online activities may not be something that your teen likes, but you likely purchased the computer and you, as the parent, have the right to check.
As it was previously stated, you will want to check the internet history of a child who has their own computer or if your child uses the family computer when you are not home.  If you have Internet Explorer, which most computers do, open a new internet window.  Towards the top of the page, you will see a menu bar with a number of pictured icons.  You can check the history of a computer by clicking on the icon with a clock and a small green arrow.  This should tell you which websites your teenager has been viewing online.
Finally, it is important that you talk with your teenager about the dangers of using the internet, namely social networking websites or internet chat rooms.  Teach them what to do if they are harassed online or approached by an internet predator.  Make sure they know not to erase the information, but rather to save it or show it to you right away, especially if you decide to contact your local police department.

Replace Your Desktop With A Laptop

With the steady march of technology come lighter, more portable laptops with higher performance than ever before. Processors are advanced enough on almost any laptop to consider completely doing away with your desktop PC altogether.
For the gamers out there, laptops have always been too slow and too far behind the technological bandwagon to consider replacing your gaming computer with one. Now, however, laptops are being designed with the gamer in mind with faster processors, bigger screens, and high end graphics.
For the student going off to school, a small, lightweight laptop means that you can take your laptop to class with you to take notes as fast as you can type (which is often a lot faster than you can write), and be sure that they will always be legible. Additionally, laptops can have planner features to help you remember when that next assignment is due, and you will never lose your notes or keep them in a disorganized pile. Even if the rest of your life is a little hectic, keeping a laptop as your new PC can help your grades considerably.
If you decide that it is worth the investment to be able to bring your laptop to work and home with you, technology is allowing for easy set-up of your laptop with a docking station that makes time-consuming plugs a thing of the past.
There are so many benefits to consider to using a laptop as your new desktop computer. These include:
1) having your work with you at all times
2) creating far more desk and floor space now that your huge tower and monitor are gone
3) the ability to work from any location with a wireless network set up
With the only negative aspects being: if you feel the need to have the most modern technology available, you will find it difficult to upgrade many laptops, and laptops are more expensive than a desktop because of the size and convenience.
Laptops for the Businessperson:
• Dell Latitude D820
• Acer TravelMate 4650
• HP Compaq nx9420 (2.16GHz, 1GB RAM)
• Apple PowerBook G4 (17-inch)
The Dell laptop is an excellent business portable, and is priced around fifteen hundred dollars. It is one of the highest rated laptops for replacement of a PC, and the reviews call it perfect for the modern businessperson.
The Acer TravelMate is a great value for the price. It has a good battery life and nice processing power with all the features a home-office user will need. The Acer costs around twelve hundred dollars, making it the least expensive laptop on this list.
The third laptop, the HP Compaq, offers corporate caliber security according to the reviews, and has a nicely sized seventeen-inch screen for ease of use for those of us who stare at computer screens all day. This model is a lot more expensive, though, running between two thousand and twenty-two hundred dollars.
Last on our list, the Apple PowerBook delivers the features and power that most users require, but at two thousand dollars is more expensive than comparable Windows laptop. Still, it is a good option for replacing your bulky desktop PC.
Laptops for the Gamer:
• Dell XPS M1710
• Toshiba Satellite P105-S921
• Toshiba Qosmio G25-AV513
• HP Pavilion zd8000
Hard core gamers will appreciate the Dell XPS, which will play the newest games at the highest settings. Running at thirty-four hundred dollars, though, this laptop does not come cheap. With all the technology packed into this case, it will at least be a long time before you need an upgrade.
The Toshiba Satellite offers lots of features for an affordable price, but will not play the most intensive games at their highest performance levels. This is still a wonderful machine, and will cost about two thousand dollars.
The Toshiba Qosmio is designed to deliver the most high-quality multimedia experience available in a laptop. The Qosmio combines TV, DVR, stereo, DVD player, and high-performance PC in one big laptop. Replace your entire entertainment system (except maybe the speakers) for anywhere from fourteen hundred to twenty-four hundred. It seems like shopping around for this model might be well in your best interests.
The HP Pavilion's price is a relief at only twelve hundred dollars, is powerful and can play many of the newer games, if not quite the newest according to reviews.
Accessories to Consider
These laptops are all wonderful replacements for the bulky desktop computer sitting in your home office right now. There are just a few more things you need to make your laptop absolutely perfect for your office or game room.
When you go on the road all you need is your laptop and power cable, but when you bring your computer back home, you might feel more comfortable using an external keyboard, mouse, and monitor. The hook-ups for these can be painful if you have to do it frequently, but a docking port takes away the stress by mirroring all the ports, plugs, and slots on your laptop.
The first accessory that everyone should consider is a docking port. Especially wonderful for business users, these ports hook up to your printer, scanner, keyboard, monitor, mouse, network cables, power source, and any other gadgets you need them to. Instead of connecting a dozen or more wires and cables every time you move your laptop, push the laptop into the docking port and one little connection brings you back online with everything you need.
The rest of the accessories suggested here are just options, so we'll be brief. An external mouse, keyboard, and monitor might make you more comfortable at your desk, and a joystick or controller of another sort might be essential to the hardcore gamers.
No matter what you are considering your new laptop for, replacing your space-eating desktop PC is a move that you will never regret. Your new laptop will be portable, powerful, and just more fun because of all the things you can do with it. Save yourself some time and effort and consider replacing your PC with a laptop.

Create Bootable Windows 7 Usb Flash Drive From Dvd Disc

With the advent of netbooks in mainstream markets, one of the most common problems faced by novice users is the lack of optical drives.
Koala answers the call by allowing users to create bootable USB installation drives for Windows 7, Vista, and Server 2008.
The program interface is simple and straightforward. It creates a bootable USB from Windows disc instead of an ISO file.
Insert the operating system disk into your optical drive and plug in the USB drive that you want to create a bootable disk on. Press ‘Scan’ for source, and the tool will read the OS information from the optical disk. Next, scan for destination drive and the software will locate your USB drive. Once both parameters are set, click the Start button to begin the process. You have the option to automatically eject source disk and/or restart or shutdown your PC once the process is completed.
 process is completed.
The process takes around 6 to 10 minutes, depending on the OS version selected as well as speed and performance of the flash drive. The newly created flash drive can be used as a bootable USB installation disk.
You may also tweak some additional settings through the Settings menu.
Koala is a portable tool that works on Windows 7, Windows 2008 Server, Windows Vista, Windows 2003 Server, and  Windows XP. It supports six different languages, including English and Italian.
Download Koala (The page is in Italian, but the download link at the bottom is in English and so is the application).

Koala 1.0: Windows USB

We’re pleased to announce the birth of a new tool powered by Freemodding.it, the name is Koala.
Koala is a new software with a clear aim: to make as easy as possible the installation of new Windows Operating Systems on machines without an optical drive, for instance a net-book or a net-top.
The net-book phenomenon has exploded in the last years, machines with low purchase price and performance levels more than adequate for daily tasks and more, and it have undoubtedly helped to spread such products on a worldwide  level.
With the philosophy of low cost and small size, all these systems are provided without an optical drive: this hinders a bit the novice user wishing to update his or her net-book with one of the latest version of Windows, usually distributed on DVDs. The same argument can be applied to any other compact machine, like a net-top or a server.
Koala helps you to solve the problem in a easy way, thanks to its simple and clean interface:  with just a small number of steps the program will make for you an auto-bootable USB  thumb drive that will allow you to install the Operating System on your machine, all without the typical annoyance of  half-functioning  tools or complicate commands in a command prompt: Koala will handle everything for you!
To use Koala, you only need to meet the following requirements:
  • A Computer equipped with one of the following Windows Operating Systems: 2000 Professional or Server, XP, Vista, 7, Server 2003, Server 2008, Server 2008 R2
  • .Net Framework 2.0 Runtime
  • An installation DVD of one of the following Windows Operating Systems: Vista, 7, Server 2008 or Server 2008 R2 (if you are a Technet, MSDN or MSDN-AA subscriber and you have the ISO file, you’ll just need an ISO mounting software like SlySoft Virtual CloneDrive)
  • A USB thumb drive with a total capacity equal or greater than 4GB

You’ll just need to follow these simple steps to get your USB thumb-drive installer:
Step 1: Run the program
Step 2: Insert the thumb-drive and the installation DVD, then scan to find source…

… and destination drives
Step 3: Start the procedure

Step 4: Wait for the software to complete the whole procedure. The thumb-drive creation process could take from 6 to 10 minutes on a good-speed thumb-drive like a Kingston DataTraveler  USB 2.0. The time will depend on some factors, like the Operating System version chosen as source and the USB thumb-drive performances.
Step 5: remove the USB thumb-drive from your PC
Doing these 5 easy steps, you will be able to install your copy of Windows using the USB thumb-drive you just made
You will, of course, have to pay attention about the boot devices order in the BIOS configuration menu of the machine on which you will perform the installation.
Finally, the tool is available in six languages (English, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Arabic and Russian)
The software is provided  with a FREEWARE license. You are granted the permission to make as many copies of the software as you wish, and distribute them in any storage media or with any digital distribution method, provided that you keep the copyright information and ownership of the tool unchanged.
To use the software, you must agree to the following License (shown the first time you run the software):


KOALA End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and the Author (Domenico Cuzzocrea) for the KOALA software product(s) identified above which may include associated software components, media, printed materials,and "online" or electronic documentation ("SOFTWARE PRODUCT"). By installing, copying, or otherwise using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, you agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. This license agreement represents the entire agreement concerning the program between you and the Author, (referred to as "licenser"), and it supersedes any prior proposal, representation, or understanding between the parties. If you do not agree to the terms of this EULA, do not install or use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed, not sold.

  The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed as follows:
    (a) Installation and Use.
      You have the right to install and use as many copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on your computer as you wish, without any limitation of that kind.
      For using this software, you must be in possess of a validly licensed copy of the operating system for which the SOFTWARE PRODUCT was designed [e.g., Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows Vista, Windows 7].
    (a) Maintenance of Copyright Notices.
      You must not remove or alter any copyright notices on any and all copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
    (b) Distribution.
      You can make and distribute copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to third parties in any media or form (website, CD/DVD, usb thumb drive, ftp, etc), as long as you include a reference (in the form of text files, hyperlink, text message or any other form) that points to the www.freemodding.it website. Original versions available for download from www.feemodding.it website can be freely distributed with this condition.
    (c) Prohibition on Reverse Engineering, Decompilation, and Disassembly.
      You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE PRODUCT in any manner.
    (d) Rental.
      You may not rent, lease, or sell the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
    (e) Compliance with Applicable Laws.
      You must comply with all applicable laws regarding use of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. This SOFTWARE PRODUCTS is a FREEWARE, so it is not required any monetary compensation for its use.
    All title, including but not limited to copyrights, in and to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and any copies thereof are owned by the Author or its suppliers.
    the Author expressly disclaims any warranty for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is provided 'As Is' without any express or implied warranty of any kind. The Author further expressly disclaims any warranty or representation to Authorized Users or to any third party.
    In no event shall the Author (or its suppliers) be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, lost profits, business interruption, or lost information). In no event will the software maker be liable for loss of data for direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential (including lost profit), or other damages based in contract, tort or otherwise. the software maker shall have no liability with respect to the content of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT or any part thereof, including but not limited to errors or omissions contained therein.



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